May 17Liked by sparklemaia

Your poor thumb deserves a rest after all this work!

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May 17Liked by sparklemaia

Thanks for the behind the scenes…your work is awesome!!! I’m a big fan. Take care of your thumb…🤗💖👍

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It is an actual graphic novel today, congrats!

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May 18Liked by sparklemaia

I just can't get over your talent, creativity, and drive! I am in awe. And being let into your process like this is...well, it's fantastic! Thank you Maia and I hope your digits get some rest because I can't wait to see what's in store for you next!

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May 21Liked by sparklemaia

That is a STAGGERING amount of work!

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now let's do it as a 250 page BOOK :D

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Jun 5Liked by sparklemaia

woah!!!! thank you for sharing all the steps and process pictures thats amazing

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